Sunday, March 2, 2014

my first blog ever

In the past few years of traveling I have made many stops at my daughter's Kansas house for no particular important reasons (except one for her wedding in 2011, I think).  and again I am in transit this week from Taiwan to china and landed at Kansas City for a few days...naomi (my daughter) asked me about my trip and there were nothing special popped out of my head to tell her, it was all just a simple everyday living stuff.   Bruce (my daughter's husband) think I am crazy just traveling around the world.(in a way I have figured out to be sustainable for the rest of my life as long as I can enjoy).  he think I am doing all kind of crazy stuffs which I am surprised that he really has no clue at all.  but that will be a long talk to make him grasp what it is like or not like....Naomi suggested that I should try to blog( like writing a dairy she explained) , for the least, help them get a picture of what my traveling life is about, and may be interesting for the others. I doubted why would anyone be interested in someone's normal life. but I do think naomi may be benefit from what I have consider "a good living". so here it is, my first blog ever.

1 comment:

  1. yay! finally you are writing a blog so we can keep track of you. :)
